Monday, 16 July 2018

Is PSF for me?

MSIX's Package Support Framework was released yesterday. As this is an initial blog, I am penning down some points to touch base on basic questions around PSF

1) Who is PSF for?
2) Who can create PSF fixups?
3) What skills are needed for developing compatibility fixups?
4) Where is this technology likely to lead few years down the line?

I am sure many of you must be having these questions in mind. Having worked on a very similar product at Cloudhouse, I'll try to answer some of the basic questions to give you a quick start on the skills needed to try your hands at this new framework. I am sorry for disappointing those of you who were expecting a technical blog. We will dig into the tech details in subsequent posts.

As always, a disclaimer first. These are my personal views based on my experience and don't reflect the opinion held by Cloudhouse or Microsoft.

Continue reading full post here.

Priya Saxena.

Wednesday, 4 July 2018

MSIX PSF - Promise of a New World for Migrants (Apps)

At MS Build 2018 (on 8th May), MSIX was launched with a promise of the new world (Win10) for the old legacy apps. I was one of the few partners who got a first-hand session from MSIX developers at a 2-day summit in Redmond before Build conference. At Build, the Windows team disclosed details of MSIX components including the Package Support Framework (PSF).

In this blog, we will take a closer look at what was revealed during the session at Build 2018 and do a technical dissection to see what this might lead to in future. I'll be interpreting PSF based on my experience of working with a similar software. So, few things might seem to be as if I am reading between the lines. As PSF isn't released yet, this write-up will touch base on basic concepts only. Once it gets released, I'll post subsequent blogs getting into details.

First, a disclaimer; although my day to day job involves working on similar tech at Cloudhouse and I work very closely with Microsoft's MSIX team; blogs published here don't reflect the opinion of Microsoft or my employer. I've launched this website as a community initiative to share my views and spread the word about MSIX PSF. Hence I'll be penning down my knowledge and experience on fixing legacy apps without violating my NDA. 

Now let's discuss the "What.. Why.. and How" Stuff.

Please continue reading here.

Priya Saxena.